Quick Break!

Hi everyone!  I'm going to be taking this week off.  It's my 7th wedding anniversary, so my hubby and I are having a "stay-cation" and are taking the week off of work.  We're planning day trips all around the Seattle area and because of my time off, I won't have the time (or motivation!) to give you all daily updates.

I'll be back on Monday, November 1st with plenty of new content.  I have a lot to tell you about, including:
  • Review of body cream (now that cooler weather is headed our way!)
  • Review of new shampoo/conditioner line
  • Review of fun, organic soaps (and--hopefully!--a giveaway)
  • More news on fall/winter trends
  • Holiday gift ideas (yes, the holidays really ARE here!)
  • Another "Getting Healthy" update
  • and much, much more...
In the meantime, if you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hi, you can reach me a number of ways:
Have a great week and a happy Halloween.  Oh, and if you're a reader in the US, don't forget to VOTE!  There's a lot at stake in this election and I hope that no matter how you vote, you cast your ballot.  Women have a strong voice in the world of politics and we need to be heard!