Life & Style magazine is set to report.
An eyewitness was stunned to get a closer look: Nick, 32, was canoodling with CaCee Cobb, 27, personal assistant and longtime best friend of Nick's ex-wife, Jessica Simpson, the magazine will report. "The two were all over each other," says the eyewitness, who knows both Nick and CaCee. "Nick had his arms wrapped around her, and he was kissing her all over the side of her face and neck. Her arms were around him, too."
A second witness at the bash, thrown by Wilmer, confirms the account. "We were watching in total disbelief," says the witness. "We kept waiting for them to rip each other's clothes off." The kissfest occurred around 1:30 a.m. and lasted just a few minutes, but "they were flirting the entire night," says the first eyewitness.
As Nick, in a button-down shirt and jeans, and CaCee, in a tight black dress and leopard pumps, steamed up the room, onlookers were shocked. "There may be nothing going on between them, but it was inappropriate behavior. Everyone was like, - "Wow - what are they thinking?"
The real question will be - what does Jess think. Reports from the tabloid say she is crushed and blaming herself.
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