Jen Moving to Chi-Town

Jennifer Aniston is reportedly quitting Hollywood. The former 'Friends' beauty is allegedly moving to Chicago with new love Vince Vaughn because she's so sick of being hounded by the press. The actress is said to hope relocating will help her escape the constant gossip surrounding her split from Brad Pitt and his new romance with Angelina Jolie.

Jennifer - who fell for Chicago when she visited while filming 'The Break Up' - is in the process of selling the 15 million Beverly Hills love nest she shared with Pitt. She said: "It makes sense for me to leave. I can live outside Los Angeles and fly in for work." A friend is quoted in Britain's The Sun newspaper as saying: "She wants to make a fresh start in Chicago with Vince."

Earlier this week, it was revealed Jennifer had donated Pitt's clothes to charity. The star was reportedly spotted dumping sacks of her ex-husband's designer togs at a second-hand store in California. A source revealed: "When a woman in the shop realised that it was Jennifer Aniston, she went over to see what she'd left. "But it was too late because a worker who didn't recognize Jen had already dumped the clothes in a bin mixed with lots of others."

Source: UK Female First