It was only a matter of time before the two ran into each other. And so, it happened Wednesday night, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan — hot on the heels of the Brandon Davis rant (with Paris) and the Stavros hookup (with Lindsay) — landed in the same club!
Paris was clubbing it up with sis Nicky, Courtney Love and friends, hanging at a VIP table at the LA hot spot Hyde — when Lindsay walked in the door. At first, a source reports, Lindsay roamed the club, looking as if she couldn't find a friend. But with such a tiny VIP section, she had no choice but to face Paris — or run! "She was moping around, looking like she didn't know what to do," the source says. "Then she finally just came over. And then she sat down right next to Nicky!" The stunned group sat silently as Lindsay began chatting away! "She starts saying, 'Hey guys, what's going on.' Like nothing ever happened!"
Paris smiled politely, but said not a word. "What could she say? It was so weird, it was kind of interesting to sit there and see what Lindsay would do. She actually looked kind of scared! But she's the one who decided to seat herself at Paris' table."
While conversation at the table moved on, Lindsay sat silently before confiding to Nicky, "You know, I never saw the video, so, you know, I'm not mad."
The names Brandon Davis and Stavros Niarchos never came up in conversation — clearly the ladies had decided just to let it go. But Lindsay never spoke Paris before Hilton got up to leave, sometime around midnight. "She was shooting a music video the next morning, so it was an early night, anyway."
Source: Star Magazine