Truth? or BS?

An interesting email was posted on the gossip site What Would Tyler Durdan Do in his post it said:

Although there have been few specifics about the birth of Shiloh Jolie-Pitt in Namibia on Saturday, most reports are saying Angelina Jolie underwent a planned c-section. So why would a healthy 30 year old woman choose to have a complicated surgery in a country with less than exemplary medical care? According to one email, it's because of her STD. Herpes, to be specific.

"So I had to contribute a tid bit I heard when I was working for 20th Century Fox (in an executive position that will go unnamed) ... we produced 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith'. Angie and Brad were indeed having sex on that film, and she apparently gave him some STD's, and that's how Jennifer Aniston first found out ... If you are young, like Angelina Jolie, and healthy, the reason for c-section is almost always herpes. Jennifer Garner is another herpes mom, Madonna another. Both delivered small babies by c-section. Katie Holmes is another."

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