The "Break Up" Premier in Chicago Afterparty!

After the "Break Up" Premier in Chicago this past weekend. Cabaret owner Todd Rubin's cell phone rang at 10:45 p.m. Memorial Day night. It was Jennifer Aniston's publicist calling to check if Rubin's Hubbard Street nightspot was open -- and if they had a spot for a private party. Even though Cabaret was closed for the holiday weekend, Rubin said, ''Give me an hour!" then called a DJ and a bartender and got the joint open just in time for Aniston, beau/co-star Vince Vaughn and pals to arrive from the official post-premiere party of ''The Break-Up'' at Cafe Brauer.

Along with Vaughifer, White Sox GM Kenny Williams and ex-Bear and longtime Vaughn pal Richard Dent were among the 35 friends who partied into the wee hours. Jen requested '80s tunes (since Vince hates techno music) and had the whole crew up and dancing for more than two hours. Pizza was delivered from Chi-Town Pizza, which Aniston washed down with an intriguing concoction: Grey Goose vodka and soda, with a splash of both olive and lime juices.

As the stars left to fly back to L.A., Rubin gave them Cabaret playing cards for the the trip home -- just in case they needed something to do.

Source: Chicago Sun Times