Jennifer Aniston Phone Call Rejected by Brad Pitt

When Jennifer Aniston tried to show her congratulations to ex-husband Brad Pitt on the birth of his baby daughter, her phone call was by all accounts rejected. Aniston attempted to make the call to show she had no hard feelings and that she wished Brad and his new family all the best, but it blew up in her face. A source told Grazia magazine: “She thought it was the right thing to do. But she couldn’t get her call accepted. Jen thinks Angelina has changed Brad and made him as insensitive and uncaring as she is.”

“As far as Jen is concerned, not taking her phone call was the last straw. She had intended to be civilised and be nice but Brad and Angelina don’t seem to want to do that.” Jennifer Aniston is currently touring the globe with her new partner Vince Vaughn to promote their new film; box office hit ‘The Break-Up’.

Jennifer Aniston at Rodin Museum gardens, June 10, 2006

Source: Entertainmentwise