..Lindsay Lohan.
Lindsay's coat tail riding mother did an interview with 'Access Hollywood' and it is set to air tomorrow. (Monday.)
Dina Lohan says that CEO of Morgan Creek Productions, James Robinson's letter to Lindsay was 'ridiculous'. Here are some excerpts from the interview.
"I feel when you are 19 (years old) it is way out of line."
Bitch, your daughter is 20 now. Nice move on reducing her age by a year to make her appear younger and more vulnerable. Anyhow, she goes on to say..
"Maybe he has personal issues with whomever and it came out with my child, I don't know him. I can't judge him. I don't think it was a smart thing to do to a young girl."
What an ignorant mother. You should be ashamed, Dina Lohan, for making excuses for your daughter instead of teaching her to be responsible for her actions. But then again that might actually take time away from YOUR partying. Hmm?
"Lindsay was in 105F saying, 'Mommy, I feel sick; like I am going to faint.' She took herself to the hospital. She has asthma and in extreme cold or heat you can't breathe."
Don't you LOVE how she threw the 'Mommy' in there? Dina Lohan is painting a very lovely picture of 'Lindsay the Naive Toddler'. Is Dina that dense that she actually thinks people will believe her over the CEO of a production company? Oh yes. She is. Lucky Lindsay...this is where she gets it folks.
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