Kate Hudson has won a massive payout from the British edition of the National Enquirer after the publication falsely accused the naturally thin actress of having an eating disorder. Almost Famous star Hudson was described as "painfully thin" by the magazine last year , which also reported that her mother Goldie Hawn had begged her to eat more. However, after a successful libel case the star was yesterday awarded undisclosed damages for any distress the article may have caused, and granted an apology. Simon Smith, lawyer for Hudson, told the High Court in London his client refuted all claims in the article, saying, "Ms. Hawn has explained to me that she never had any concerns about her daughter's appearance whatsoever." He also noted discrepancies regarding Hudson's figure in other issues of the National Enquirer, which described her as "looking great" and "stunning" at the same weight. A relieved Hudson said after the judgment, "The allegations that I sued over were blatantly false - I could not stand by while such lies were being perpetrated about me."