"She and Alyward had been out for the evening and had an argument that had escalated, police said. Meronek left Alyward and stormed off into the night. But when she arrived home at the house they share, she did not have her keys - she had left them inside the house when she went out, police said.
When Alyward arrived home, he went into the house, but would not let Meronek in.
One thing led to another, police said, and at one point she allegedly bit him on the arms and hands as he blocked her entry. He pushed her off and was able to call police.
When they arrived, Meronek was arrested without incident, police said. Following her arrest, she was released on bond and was scheduled to appear in Middlesex Superior Court Monday morning.
Alyward was arrested because, police said, "he blocked her entry into what is her legal residence."
So that answers the biting question: he locked her out, she bit him for doing so.
As for Keith: His full name's John Keith Aylward. Take a look Click here. So the AP story (and the local one) doesn't use his middle name, even though that's what he goes by.
Source: Source: Middletown Press