Make Up Celebrity
You Pick the Winner
I can't decide on this weeks
'Caption That Shit' Contest
, there were a ton of good ones.
I picked what I thought were the Top 5, although they were all great.
Vote for your favorite
and the
poll winner
will be declared the winner on Monday. You will only be able to
vote once,
so choose wisely!
Who Wins the 'Caption This Shit' Contest?
"I knew they were going for realistic... but using scented wax for the shit in the diaper is going a bit far.." -Lindsay
"Jennifer Aniston wants me to dangle it over the balcony!" - Latina
"One more step...and I'll drop kick this thing, Angie!" - aja j.
" Start the car Mrs. Aniston, I got the baby, I got the baby!!!!" - chud
"C'mon, guess who I am!! Guess!! Wrong, I'm Michael Jackson!" - njsue
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