Boy George Lashes Out at Paparazzi During First Day of Community Service

"Do you think you are better than me?"

Those are the words George cried out to the photographers while picking up trash in Manhattan. "Go home. Let me do my community service....This is supposed to be making me humble. Let me do this, I just want to do my job." Georgie was ordered to five days working for the Department of Sanitation after pleading guilty to falsely reporting a burglary at his apartment. The cops did not find a burglary, but they did find Georgie's stash of cocaine. George petitioned to the judge to allow him to instead do a public service announcement with teens, or more importantly be a DJ at a gay/lesbian club for HIV awareness (some punishment that would be) or even better yet, holding a 'Fashion and Makeup' workshop.
WTF? Was the bitch high when he thought that shit up?
Enjoy your time on the streets of NY, George. You deserve every moment of it.
And clean your own fucking ass up while you're at it!


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