No More Late Night Weddings in Las Vegas!

Wait a's VEGAS for fuck's sake!


"No More Late Night Nuptials Celebs hoping to tie the knot in Vegas will have to sober up and wait 'til daylight. Starting August 30, the city will close its all-night marriage license counter, and implement an 8 a.m. – midnight schedule. Late night nuptials are commonplace in Sin City, especially for the rich and famous. Britney Spears tied the knot here at 2 a.m. in 2004. So did Nicky Hilton. (And we saw how well both of those worked out). "All the stars come out at night," wedding chapel owner Charlotte Richards tells the Associated Press. "People that are high profile, when they come down to Las Vegas to get married, they don't want to come in the middle of the day when people are around. They like the privacy." Richards, who owns the Little White Wedding Chapel (where Bruce Willis and Demi Moore held a late night ceremony in 1987) says she is saddened by the change. “This is Las Vegas. This is the marriage capital of the world," she says. "People just automatically think, `Let's go to Las Vegas! They're open all night!'"

Mr & Mrs. Spicy were married in Vegas. At midnight. That's what Vegas is all about! Who put the idiot of that decision making in charge? Wake up Vegas!

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