(Taken from the Lone Star Boxer Rescue Site:)
"An Urgent Plea for DallasCompare Airfare at BabyBoomerTrips.com!This is an urgent plea for financial assistance. As you can see from the photo, we have a very special little girl named Dallas who has a badly deformed leg. We are not really sure what happened to Dallas, but we d
o know that she received some type of severe trauma to her leg which has caused the deformation. Her original owners did not seek medical treatment, and she was eventually abandoned. A neighbor called one of the local shelters, and she was eventually picked up by one of our Lone Star Boxer Rescue volunteers who has been caring for her for several weeks.
Dallas is about one and one-half years old and gets along great with other dogs - she loves to play!! But it is extremely painful, as you can imagine, for her to walk or play. Her surgeon,
Dr. Brian Beale of Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists, has given her a high probability for a complete recovery - but at a cost. Even with our discount, the surgery costs about $3,000. Can you please help us give Dallas this much-needed care?"
Thank all of you dog loving Smackaholics out there. Spicy is going to go donate to Dallas' fund as soon as this post is finished. You can donate any amount you wish, and even make the donation in memory of a loved one (furry friend or not), on behalf of someone, or anonymously. You can also decide of your donation goes toward 'Dallas' or to a general fund for all the rescued boxers they are helping. Go....do it now!