Celebrity Smack!
What is the name of your blog?
Celebrity Smack!
What is your blog about?
Celebrity gossip and what I think about it. Candid celeb pictures and my commentary. Most celebrities are so narcissistic, it makes them easy targets to laugh at really.
What got you into blogging?
I had just had surgery before Halloween 2004. I had nothing better to do than pop painkillers, recover and talk smack. Although this wasn't my first Blog.
I had a very personal one about the many traumas in my family that helped me get through some deaths of immediate family members and such. I no longer post there though. Blogging can be healing.
How long have you been blogging?
I started my first blog in March 2003.
What is your URL?
Both lead to the same place.
How do you chose the your topic?
Current events and misfortunes of celebrities. Or whatever paparazzi pics were taken over the previous day or two. Or if someone is particularly irrating, I like to give them a public flogging just for fun. I'm cool like that.
Where do you find inspiration for your blog?
Through my readers.
How many blogs do you manage?
Just one now. It takes up enough time as it is! Between researching, publishing, writing, emails, contests, advertising, etc. I don't think I could have a second site!
What got you into blogging?
I just really loved the easy layout and formatting of it. Much easier to maintain than a full on website.
What part of blogging do you enjoy?
The readers. I have made some great online buddies throught this blog. I also like giving stuff away! How could you not?
It's pretty cool talking with publicists and getting VIP invites and such too.
Do you have a schedule for your posting?
Now that I am doing it full time I post every day during the week and usually one weekend day as well.
Do you have contributors? If so how many?
None at this time but I am thinking of adding a couple of correspondants in the cities where I get VIP invites and such. That way someone could go in my place, takes pics and tell me all about it. Heh.
Are there any plans to do a Podcasts? If so when? And Where?
I have only recently considered this. I am looking into it as we speak.
Do you write for men or women?
Women and (mostly) gay men. XOXO!
What is your target audience?
I don't know if I really have one.
As long as you come with a really warped sense of humor and aren't all wrapped up in political correctness, we will groove together just fine.
What country do your readers come from?
My top 5 countries are USA, Canada, Australia, Great Britian & Germany.
How many subscribers do you have?
Thanks for reminding me to set up my feedburner.
How do you promote your site?
Lots of linking through other bloggers with simliar sites, I have a high Google search hit rate, TopSites, soon to be advertising.
Has Blogging Change since you started?
It has gotten more complex, more add-ons and such. But I don't think it has really changed. It certainly has taken off though, hasn't it?
Is it hard for you come up with ideas?
Not really, there is always something going on in Hollywood. It's just trying to do something unique and going about it in a way that others don't.
What is your most famous post?
I get a TON of hits STILL on the 'Hillary Duff Looks Sick" post. (http://celebritysmack.blogspot.com/2005/09/hilary-duff-looks-sick.html )
That one and "Carmine Gotti in Love With Carmine Gotti."
Teenage girls like these two topics and they often link to and post about how much of a bitch I am for writing about their 'idols'.
Who do you like in the blog sphere?
I love Hanni from Hannihaus.com,
Aitch from http://lowend.standingcheese.com,
Kirk from http://kirkkitsch.blogspot.com,
Gabs at http://gabsmash.blogspot.com,
Grins at http://grinsnlaughter.com and will someone tell DearBuster.com to start blogging again? There are others but these people always make me laugh.
What Software do you use to blog?
Ugh. My readers know the pain I have gone through this past month with trying something new. I am sticking with Blogger. It's easy, you can customize it, it works well with Google and best of all it's free. :)
How did you get traffic to your site?
It just started coming on it's own. Also, after 2 months of The Smack I was nominated for a BOB Award, that started it really.
Is your blog a hobby or a business?
A hobby turning the corner to a business now. At least that's what I am hoping for.
How long did it take you to learn how to create a blog?
As quick as I could type.
How long did it take to get an audience?
Really about 2-4 months. It was a small audience, but it was an audience.
What blogs do you subscribe to?
Believe it or not I don't subscribe to anything. But I occasionally read the ones I mentioned above.
What Awards have you received?
Only three separate nominations. No wins yet.
Where is your blog reviewed? And are you happy with the reviews?
Don't know if someone has taken the time to review me or not. Bring it on!
How has your blog evolved from the early days?
Well, I have more news and up to the minute things posted now. When it started it was simply about celebrities who irritated me or that I felt needed a good dose of reality. Now I try and mix that in with celebrity current events.
I never thought my blog would get as big as it has, but now that it has I am working to make it even bigger!
What advice would you give to someone who is starting out in blogging?
Make it funny. People love (and NEED) to laugh.
Any last words?
Smackaholics be sure and check out my interview at About the Blog!
*Thanks to G-Wee for the interview*