Spicy's Mailbox

"Thought you might appreciate this clipping from the sun website!!
I have a feeling its not so much the volume of shoes she has but the sheer size of each pair that have to be built to fit her gigantic Coco the clown sized plates of meat!!!

says she is being squeezed out of her US home – by her 1,000 pairs of shoes. She told Now magazine: "Like most girls I'm incredibly passionate about shoes. My house is like some giant closet because I just put them wherever they'll fit."

James M"

"hiya Spicy,
was torn up today when i read the email from Brandi about poor little peyton getting killed...since i wasnt around to send you money when you had the big bill with go(dropdead)daddy,is there anything we could do for Brandi?maybe replace peyton? i know very little about dogs,so if a replacement would be incredibly expensive i couldnt do that(im just a poor retired old fart),but id be willing,if maybe other readers would,to donate to a replace peyton fund,if its possible..."
"...ok anyway,hope you made the transformation to the beta deal ok and things run smoothly,if they dont,go jump mr Spicy...stay cool-


I would like to pass on my deepest sympathy to Ms. Brandi and her seet puppy. Yes, they are just like family (pets) and I hope she finds joy again soon by being a wonderful guardian to another "Baby".

God Bless you Brandi and Spicy thanks for letting "parents" share their babies with you and the world. Teddy's Momma
One wild and crazy Pom:-)

"Spicy you suck. Carmine Gotti is HOT and you juz have no idea how hot he is cuz he would never visit your stuipid site even if you did talk good about him. Bitch.

-Carmine's Biggest Fan"

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