This is one time where I am going to make an exception and include more than one dog as the winner. (And a cat mofo's!) If you are an animal lover, this one will pull at your heart strings.
"Here attached is our menagerie:Kaia is the oldest – 12 yrs, has had epilepsy all her life and is recovering from 2 big operations - and doing great.
Ghran - is 7yrs old – found him in the street with a big hole in his head dragging a metal chain, he was about 6 months old.
Pogo - is around 5 yrs old – found her in the street dead of winter – all bones, she must have been around 4 months old at the time, we had to take her home as she wouldn’t have lasted the night
Daisy- we found this Christmas – in the dustbin, she was about 3 months old, this was 2 days before flying to Germany so we had to act fast and get all the jabs etc… she ended up with a window seat on the plane.
Punk – the cat we found her in the green house with her sister (she unhappily died last year), the mother had deserted them, they must have been a few weeks old – so small, both fitted into one hand. We fed them on baby cereal, was a nightmare cleaning them after – we had to play mother cat.
"We live in Portugal, and many Portuguese are not too animal friendly, they tend to like baby animals and when they get too big or pregnant they just throw them out. Summer months are worst as they throw them out, go on holiday and if they are still around when they get back will take them back in. People also throw pets out of the car and then run them over to make sure they don’t follow them home. We are considered weird foreigners a our animals are allowed in the house – I mean why have pets if you don’t want them under your feet, that’s the fun of having them.
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