"My dog is a star! He is Bailey, a Saint Bernard who is 5 months (although the cool pic was taken around 4 months).
Bailey is a lover. He loves all dogs and people whether they like him or not. He enjoys startling mallards, barking at squirrels and birds, ignoring egrets, and occasionally getting freaked out by things like signs put on the lawn by ChemLawn. His other favorite pasttimes in order of preference are sleeping, eating, chewing anything, and snuggling. His favorite friend is a Boston Terrier Puppy named Heidi who is also his age but only about 1/5 his size. Bailey weighs in at a whopping 55 pounds.Enjoy Bailey! If you want, check out his blog at http://baileybarks.livejournal.com/ And your gal (Lucy) rocks! she is soo cute!"
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