Evening Briefs

Evening Briefs - Your Sunset Smack

Nicole Richie is going to be pissed at Steve-O. He won't say much else about it though. Steve-O has a new video coming out called, "Paparazzi Stuntman", where he pranks Nicole in a pretty tasteless way. All he will say about it is, "('Paparazzi Stuntman') is all celebrities I don't have releases from, (like) Nicole Richie, but I'm just going to cover up her face and say, 'Someone really famous.'"

Crowe is not a happy camper. He says he will not play the part of friend, Steve Irwin, and is 'appalled' that people would assume such a thing. In an interview with 'Extra' Crowe stated, "It offends me very deeply, so awful that I have to deal with millions of people thinking I would dance on my friend's grave."

Paul McCartney has dedicated his new album to his first wife Linda. The album, an orchestral work in four movements called 'Ecce Cor Meum' - includes 'Interlude' which Paul says is a wordless tribute to Linda. He says it is somber and has made people cry who don't even know what it is about. "I've played it to people and said nothing, and I've seen them welling up. It's an amazing phenomenon - how chords can be so sad." While speaking in London Monday at the launch of the album Paul stated that Linda had been alive when he started the work. "I started the album when Linda was alive, so it has a lot of my feelings for her in it. When she died it stalled me. I just couldn't do anything, I was grieving. I gradually got back into it and wrote my sadness out. The interlude in the middle is a particularly sad melody and is what got me going again. Her spirit is very much in this. It would have been her birthday on Sunday (9/24), so it's very appropriate."

Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake had a falling out after the Nipplegate incident. She told Oprah, "We haven't spoken. But I consider him a friend, and I'm very loyal, and friendship is very important to me. He has reached out to speak with me. Like I said, friendship is very important to me – and certain things you just don't do to friends. And in my own time, I'll give him a call." When asked if she felt Justin failed to back her up she stated, "To a certain degree, yeah."

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