Follow the Stink Finger (CityRag) Scarlett Johanson in UK Vogue Looking Divine (PopBytes) Kentucky Fried Tori (ImBringingBloggingBack) Donald and Melania Trump have the same creepy scowl (Teddy&Moo) Anorexic models banned in Madrid fashion shows (NosySnoop) Jim Carey and Jenny McCarthy are a funny couple (InCaseYouDidn'tKnow) Angelina is tacky while St. John is elegant (Gabsmash) TomKat's PR push & flop (BumpShack) Brooke Shields picks her freaking nose...and eats it? (AllieIsWired) When it comes to Janet Jackson it is still all about the boobs (ASocialite'sLife) Hasslehoff's burial plans (BlogAbsolutely) Nicky Hilton's ghetto ass (HotMommaDrama) Lance's boyfriend gets political (CelebrityMound) Paris Hilton thinks everyone is jealous of her (CelebSlap) HollyScoop at Fashion Week (HollyScoop)