Spicy Links!

Steven Tyler has Hep C (HollywoodBackwash)

Teri Hatcher is a skinny bitch (IBBB)

Paris promotes alcohol like the drunk she pretends not to be (AllieIsWired)

Michelle Rodriguez and Eric Estrada have the same chicklet smile (CityRag)

James Blunt is a retard (Gabsmash)

Scissor Sisters Remix (PopBytes)

Jessica Simpson's cock (PoponthePop)

Paris has been officially charged with DUI..heh (PopSugar)

Tommy Hilfiger is so gay (NotoriousFAG)

Kirsten Dunst and her super nylon knee socks (Teddy&Moo)

Lindsay devises a lame plan for revenge (TheBosh)

Bobby Brown comforted by Mike Tyson (TMZ)

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