Web Site TellParisNo.com Launched
Because her publicist won’t do it, some one needs to tell Paris Hilton to stop illegally collecting wildlife. Alleged singer and celebutante Paris Hilton, desperate for attention – any attention – has recently inflicted her lifestyle on a succession of exotic pets as a publicity ploy. The latest victim of Paris’s affections is a captive “pet” kinkajou cloyingly named “Baby Luv,” which has appeared in public draped across Paris as if it were the latest fashion trend.
A kinka-what? The kinkajou (Potos flavus), also known as the “Honey Bear,” is a nocturnal tree-climbing mammal related to the raccoon that lives in the rainforests of Central and South America. Although kinkajous may appear cute and cuddly, they are wild animals that belong in the rainforest eating tropical fruit, not ducking from flashbulbs on fashion runways or sipping lattes in the cafes and trendy clubs of Los Angeles.
Fortunately, the state of California recognizes the serious threats that the international wildlife trade poses, both to wild animals from other countries and to U.S. species when these animals are imported and then abandoned or released. Due to these threats, it is illegal to import or possess kinkajous or other wild animals in California without a valid permit.
Innocent kinkajous such as the prisoner “Baby Luv” are often stolen from their natural habitat and sold abroad through the international wildlife trade. But hey, what does the biological diversity of the rainforest or the welfare of Baby Luv matter compared to Paris looking cool and hip?
The Center for Biological Diversity (www.biologicaldiversity.org) sent a stern warning letter to Paris suggesting she cease her criminal violations of wildlife protection laws. The Center is also insisting that Paris turn over Baby Luv and any other illegal wildlife she possesses to an appropriate wildlife rescue organization, and urging her to speak out publicly to promote the conservation of wild animals and keeping wild animals in the habitats where they belong.
Baby Luv has apparently gained favor over Paris’ pet ferret,
which is also illegal to own in California. How many more biting
incidents before the self-centered celebrity abandons or discards the kinkajou
to keep up with the latest animal trend?
Baby Luv exacted a measure of revenge for the affront of having
to put up with Paris’s antics and shrieks, biting her skinny, tormenting
arm last month and sending Paris to the hospital. However, Paris’s
punishment did not match her crime.
Paris continues to flaunt her criminal violations of several of California’s wildlife protections laws (see the California Fish and Game Code, sections 2118, 2185, 2189 and 2190). In a just world, Paris Hilton would be pursued, captured, and prosecuted for criminal violation of these wildlife protection laws, facing civil penalties of up to $10,000 and imprisonment in the county jail for up to six months.
Kinkajous are rare and threatened enough in Honduras that the country forbids exporting them without a permit, an effort to prevent the species from being needlessly exploited to satisfy the pet industry or the egos of so-called celebrities. Kinkajous in Honduras are supposed to be protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.
The international wildlife trade is a violent and exploitive $6 billion annual industry that threatens wild animals in almost every country of the world. In 2002, , more than 38,000 mammals, 365,000 birds, 2 million reptiles, 49 million amphibians and 216 million fish were imported into the United States alone. Cruel practices are often used to obtain and transport these wild animals, and many species are closer to extinction due to the high demand for their fur and body parts or use as “pets.” Since 1996, more than 2,000 species have been classified as threatened by the World Conservation Union, partly due to the negative impacts from the international wildlife trade.
Please join this effort to help keep wild animals in their natural habitats. Write Paris today to tell her that species like the kinkajou should not suffer needlessly from the horrors of the international wildlife trade.
Visit www.TellParisNo.com for more information."

I’d like to ask a favour, I’m a DJ and I’m trying to gain as many votes as possible for the DJ Magazine Top 100 DJs competition. Would you consider helping me out with that? Your vote would be great but the vote of your readers would obviously be massive. However, to prove I’m not rubbish why don’t you check out my Myspace pages first, then if you like what you hear maybe you could help?
Y’see when I DJ I remix different tracks live as I go along (I’m on my laptop) so I’ve been getting a lot of attention already. I then come home and recreate what I did live and make those tracks available for download on Myspace, so have a listen and let me know your thoughts maybe?
Anyway, below is the email I’ve been sending out, which has the Myspace pages with the links and everything. If you could give it a look I would very much appreciate it, though I’ll understand if you’re too busy. Thanks you for your time anyway,
Kris Di Angelis X
PS: Saw the Lohan at the Von Essen party in Berkshire the other day, she looked major up close with great make up, but I’m told she loves to smoke coke, which explains the completely vacant expression on her face as she stared out into the crowd.
It has been decided by the powers that be (Meredith, those of you who know her know she’s not to be argued with), that we’re gonna stick it to the big guys and get me voted into the DJ Magazine Top 100 Djs list.
Although it would be lovely to receive such affirmation and recognition for the hard work, live sets, technology, money, countless remixes and years of musical hard graft I’ve put in to this, I’m actually more intrigued to see if a little bit of guerrilla marketing can go a long way. Power of the people and all that. This of course would benefit my career massively, but I’d like to do it just to see if we can shake it all up a bit. We’ve worked out we need 1000 votes to get in.
I’ve no idea what I’ll do if we manage this, probably some big free party, once I’ve recovered from the shock.
It will only take 2 mins so here’s how to do it:
Click on the link below which takes you to where you can vote. Voting requires you entering my name first, then 4 other names – I suggest they not be DJs for this to work (I used four friends) – provide your email address so they can confirm your vote (THEY DO NOT STORE EMAIL ADDRESS’ FOR ANY REASON AT ALL), then you’re done!
www.djmag.com/top100 <http://www.djmag.com/top100>
You don’t need to let me know if you’ve voted, but it might be an idea to keep the confirmation email as if this all works, that will probably be worth something at the party. It may arrive in your junk folder so maybe save this email address: djmagtop100@factorylabs.com
Obviously it’s a good idea to forward this to as many people as possible, begging, borrowing and certainly stealing is all part of the game. Let’s kick some DJ butt.
Kris Di Angelis
“A sh*t Kicker, a thief, and I’m gonna be famous”

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