Excerpt from TimesOnline.co.uk- "Whenever there is a suspicious death, we would have an inquest to determine how the person died," said Bradley Neely.
An inquest has been scheduled to begin on October 23, when a jury will hear evidence about Smith's death and could recommend that the case be sent to the attorney-general’s office for a criminal investigation.
Press reports have said that Smith
had no visible injuries and Reginald Ferguson, the assistant commissioner of the Royal Bahamian Police Force, has told journalists that no illegal drugs were found on his body (no word on toxicology yet) or in the hospital room, where his mother has said she woke up to find him, unresponsive, in a chair.
Earlier today, Bahamas's coroner Linda P. Virgill did little to quell speculation by saying that she knew the cause of Smith's death and alleging that a third person was in the room when he died.
"We do know the cause of death but we need to confirm it with a toxicology report," she told the Associated Press before adding:
"I can confirm that there was definitely a third person in the room at the time of death and I do know who that person is."But I am unwilling to reveal that information at this time for various reasons."

And from TMZ.com-
TMZ has learned that Daniel Smith, the son of former Playmate Anna Nicole Smith, was dead by the time he was found in his mother's hospital room.
Sources connected to the investigation also say any allegations of negligence on the hospital's part are unfounded. There was no shortage of oxygen, as had been previously reported. There was no blood or vomit in the room either and we're told no drugs or alcohol were found in the room. Sources say, however, Daniel's airplane flight to the Bahamas may provide a critical clue as to the possible cause of his death. TMZ has learned that personnel on board the flight are being interviewed by police and there are rumblings that alcohol on board the aircraft may have been a factor.
Sources indicate Daniel went directly to the hospital where his mother was as soon as he landed at the airport.
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