Robin Williams Can Relate to Mel Gibson

He spoke with Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America this morning.

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'Defending Mel
Williams told "Access Hollywood" that Mel Gibson's DUI arrest was a "wake-up call" for him to get help.
Today, he joked with Sawyer.
"First of all, I wanted to thank Mel. He took a lot of focus from me," he said.
Williams said he had "if there but for the grace of God" moments in his bout with alcoholism.
"And you stop because when you start violating your standards quicker than you can lower them, then it's time to go away," he said.

After Gibson's anti-Semitic statements during his arrest were made public, many people were asking, Is this the real Mel Gibson, or is he not responsible for what he said because he was drunk?

Williams said he understands "not being yourself" when drunk.
"That's another side of yourself that even you don't know," Williams said. "He [Gibson] said afterwards, he wasn't there, like Doctor Mr. Jack Daniels. There's another person who appears."

Williams also suggested some in Hollywood have used a double standard to judge Gibson.
"A lot of people said don't work with him, and also a lot of people said if his next movie makes money, they'll work with him." Williams said.

"He's a brilliant guy, you know? Does he have flaws? Yes. He has admitted it."'

More of Robin's interview will air tomorrow on GMA.

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