Update on Our Boxer Babe, 'Dallas'!

Thank you Smackaholics for helping to make Dallas' dream of running without pain a reality!

Remember Dallas..the dog who needed a surgery to correct her deformed front leg? She has had her surgery and I received 'After' pics of her today from my awesome friends at LoneStar Boxer Rescue along with a great email.
I had to share..

"I’m Dallas, and I know a lot of you have heard about me and the surgery I had to fix my leg. I am so excited that it was a huge success! The nice doctors at Gulf Coast were able to cut my bone and insert a metal plate (ouch!), and now I can move around easily and play with my friends!"
I also got word tonight that Dallas has been adopted! Thanks to you, the Smackaholics, and all of the bloggers who linked, re-posted and donated, Dallas' story has a happy ending. On behalf of all the boxers and volunteers at Lone Star Boxer Rescue, Thank You!
Jon & Jamie Winters at LoneStar Boxer Rescue"

Dallas Before:

Dallas After:

Thanks again everyone for making this a reality!

Bitches Love BabyBoomerTrips.com!