Scripps Howard News Service had this to say about the show:
"The Hills" focuses on a 19-year-old named Lauren Conrad. She's moving away from home for the first time to live in Los Angeles. She has a fabulous apartment, a cool roommate and perfect hair. Though she has no prior experience in writing or public relations, she lands a sweet internship at Teen Vogue. Her qualifications? She's read Teen Vogue, like, all her life.
Oh, that's good enough for the editors at Teen Vogue. They hand her the job because they "want to take a chance" on her.
Giving a job to someone with no skills? Well, at least the office will have MTV cameras around all day. It will make up for Lauren's lack of credentials. Lauren's skills are put to the test when she is assigned to work an all-star party that the magazine is throwing. All she has to do is make sure no one sits in the VIP section. Of course, Lauren's buddies crash the party and decide to sit in the VIP seats anyway. Her boss sees it and wants to have a serious talk with Lauren on Monday at work. Oops. Turns out that Lauren is sort of the Lucille Ball of reality TV. She means well, but is constantly ending up in compromising situations.
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