According to Defamer, We all know Eva Longoria is the hottest woman in the universe (at least according to Maxim magazine's inscrutable criteria), but beneath that bitsy, beautiful package lies a ferocious ugliness just waiting to jump out--particularly when she is required to pay for things. Who could forget her heartfelt holiday wishes to a Koo Koo Roo parking attendant who dared ask her for the required fee ("Jesus! It's Thanksgiving. Be nice. FUCK!"). Now comes this report from a Defamer operative about the Desperate Housewives actress, accompanied by Saved by the Bell star Mario Lopez, annoying the regulars and stiffing the friendly staff at a popular watering hole in Toluca Lake:
"While Mario was friendly to everyone, Eva was sullen and refused to talk with anyone. When the waitress gave her a $17 bill, she handed over a hundred dollar bill and when the waitress brought back her change, Eva grabbed her changed, snipped at the waitress that "Celebrities should be comped!" and stalked out without even leaving a tip.
"The bar regulars, needless to say, were not impressed with her diva attitude. Too bad she couldn't be more gracious like her Desperate Housewives co-star James Denton who is always friendly and never tries to use his celeb status to get free drinks or to gyp hardworking waitresses."
With all respect to Denton, the two co-stars aren't exactly working on the same celebrity plane: As far as we can recall, for example, Denton has yet to appear on a 110-foot-long magazine cover wearing nothing but a string bikini and a smile. It's grand tributes like this that raise Longoria's status from mere TV actress to that of beloved celebrity icon, ensuring her every prescription refill, manicure and Jamba Juice run is offered completely gratis, in a neverending series of small fan gestures that don't come close to repaying her for everything she has given us already."
Source: Defamer