Anna Nicole Smith's Attorney Father of Her Baby Girl

Holy cow this one threw me for a loop.

Last night on
Larry King Live, Anna's attorney and good friend, Howard K. Stern, announced that he, not Larry Birkhead as originally thought, is the father of Anna's baby girl.
Howard stated,
"We'll never get over Daniel not being with us, but at the same time we have a big responsibility and a big bundle of joy that hopefully will not be affected at all by what we're going through right now."

Larry Birkhead, a phootojournalist claimed he was the father, but Howard insists that he knows for a fact that he is indeed the father. He also says that he will take a DNA test if challenged.
"I think based on the timing of it, there shouldn't be a doubt." Howard also says that he and Anna will marry. "With everything that's gone on, I think we realized how much we mean to each other. I've loved her for quite some time and hopefully the feeling is mutual...Right now we have to somehow get through what we're going through...And I'll tell you, our baby is the one ray of hope."
I am actually happy for Anna that the father is Howard. That man truly loves Anna. He would do anything for her, and he has done just that for years. It was always so obvious, just maybe not to her. At least Anna will be truly loved by him and hopefully together they can get through this tragedy and support eachother with love, and a new family.

See Cali Via!