Dallas Cowboy Terrell Owens Attempts Suicide

Terrell Owens tried to kill himself last night by overdosing on pain pills.

According to the police report a friend tried to interfere but Terrell was unfazed. He even tried stuffing two more pills in his mouth in front of the friend. The friend then attempted to remove them with her fingers. Terrell was then taken to a hospital where doctors reportedly had to induce vomiting.
Owens was released from the hospital late this morning. He gave reporters a thumbs up on his way out.

Owens' publicist, Kim Etheredge, said in interviews today with local Dallas media that the police got the story wrong. She said Terrell had taken his pain meds with supplements causing him to be unresponsive so she came to check on him. She also claims that he had an allergic reaction to the meds.

But the police report tells a different story.
The report states that Dallas Fire and Rescue were called Tuesday night regarding an
attempted suicide by prescription medication. And that at one point the EMT's asked Terrell if he was in fact trying to harm himself. His reply was, "Yes". The report also states that Terrell had told a friend he was depressed.
Deon Sanders said he spoke with Owens just before he was released from the hospital.
"The fact that it has been reported a suicide attempt, he's laughed at that notion. It was a case that medication that was taken wasn't accepted well in his system with the other vitamins he's on," Sanders said.

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