P!nk Helps to Launch National Coming Out Day Project

Human Rights Campaign’s “Project Snapshot” Encourages Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Straight Allies to “Talk About It”

As the country looks to celebrate National Coming Out Day on October 11, a day set aside every year to honor gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and straight Americans living openly and supporting equality, the Human Rights Campaign is proud to announce the participation of Grammy Award winning artist and international singer, P!nk.
P!nk will be featured in the Human Rights Campaign’s “Snapshot Photo Project”, an online public art project designed to encourage conversation about GLBT people’s lives, the issues confronting them, and how all Americans, GLBT or straight, can support equality and fairness. Anyone can participate by downloading a “Talk About It” sign, and taking a digital picture of themselves with their sign along with friends, family, or co-workers – or anyone that supports equality for GLBT Americans. “Talk About It” is the 2006 National Coming Out Day theme by the Human Rights Campaign.

Star Trek star and openly gay actor George Takei, spokesman for the HRC Coming Out Project, Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese and Tony Villanueva, P!nk and Madonna’s dresser.

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